Consulting Services
Calsep offers consulting services related to Equation of State simulation of reservoir fluid phase behavior. The consulting services involve all types of reservoir fluids including natural gases, gas condensates, near critical fluids, oil and heavy oils.
Modeling Services
Calsep can be engaged in projects to develop Equation of State models for reservoir fluids. Models can be for individual fluids as well as for a large number of fluids (common EoS models).
Models and simulations are offered for special purposes like gas injection EOR or flow assurance simulations (hydrate, wax, asphaltene and scale). PVT input for reservoir, pipeline and process simulators can be included.
Software Services
Calsep provides services for development of custom PVT software solutions, for example for allocation calculations or real time multiphase meter rate calculations.
Custom software projects are designed and executed in close collaboration with the client. This ensures optimal functionality and also enables integration with the client’s existing software and data storage.
Calsep Offices
At Calsep we reach all continents, either via online meetings or via our representatives in United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
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